New Wave

I have not done an interview in 5 weeks. I’ve been having a hard time finding the motivation, and the artists coming through Colorado have been a little off my scale. I have not been motivated in weeks to do any work on the show, and it has shown.

I’m on day 5 of soberness, the longest stretch I’ve been on in MONTHS, and I feel better than ever and more energized and energetic to work on this show. The time off has been good.

Regardless of the time off, word is spreading and our download count, despite only releasing ONE episode so far this month, is about half of what it was last month when we released four episodes! Thanks for listening and checking things out! Thank you for spreading the word.

Again, I’m re-energized and I’m suddenly full of fantastic ideas. We’ve got some stuff in place to work with some fantastic companies and websites. I’m going to retool the website a little more and start offering more content.

Expect some cool stuff to come in the next few weeks and until my fuel reserves run out again. Let me know what you think! Email me at: mostlyharmlesspod (at) gmail (dot) com

We’ll return with new episodes next week!