Glass City

It’s been another year around the sun and it has reached my least favorite of anniversaries, the death of my baby sister Brittany. It has been three short years and I can’t believe how quickly time passes and what life can happen in that window. I think of Brittany daily, without fail. A drawing she did as a very little girl adorns my left arm, close to my heart. From time to time she appears in my dreams to scold me on whatever stupidity I’m into or maybe to console me about the ever evolving mystery of the women in […]

Baby Steps.

I’ve never been sure what to use this space for. I thought I would write witty anecdotes about life and the show, but every time I sit down to write something in this little spot, I’m usually still drunk or hungover and the words don’t flow out. I’ve been a little bummed out this show hasn’t taken over the world yet. We’re averaging a small amount of downloads, but as with every parent, we want more for our kids. I was having a little pity party for myself the other day at my day job. I sat back and listened […]