It’s story time with SCOOTER JAMES! Jimmy Pinhead himself sits down with Damian on the freezing cold patio at Illegal Pete’s in Denver to drink several pitchers of Coors Lite while chatting about the upcoming Pinhead Circus reunion shows with the NOBODYS!
We talk for a little over an hour, that was recorded. We talked about Scooter’s first guitar, becoming a father, tour hi-jinks with the Nobodys, being a mid-level punk rock band in the 90’s and oh so much more. We even find time to talk about Pinhead Circus’s famous former drummer, Brandon Barnes of Rise Against Fame! All this and oh so much more as we try to stay warm on a cold, cold, Friday night at Illegal Pete’s!
Check out Pinhead Circus this weekend with the NOBODYS. January 30th at the Triple Nickel Tavern in Colorado Springs & January 31st at the Hi-Dive in Denver!
This episode features the tracks “Carefree Metal Daze,” from Detailed Instructions for the Self Involved & the Cinema Beer Bellies! This episode ends with a live version of “Detailed Instructions for the Self Involved,” taken from their 2008 reunion show at the Marquis Theater.
You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
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For more information on Scooter James, please visit:
Old BYO records page: http://www.byorecords.com/~byo/index.php?page=one_band&aid=37
Myspace Tribute Page: http://myspace.com/pinheadcircus
Listen at Rdio.com: http://www.rdio.com/artist/Pinhead_Circus/
Love Me Destroyer: http://www.suburbanhomerecords.com/bands/alums/love-me-destroyer/
Tin Horn Prayer: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tin-Horn-Prayer/90599728357
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