We are a day late on this week’s episode. Why? If you listened to the Brendan Kelly episode you’ll know my 1991 Honda Civic 4 Wheel Drive Station wagon broke down on the way to Fort Collins. I missed a secret interview we had planned with an almighty enigma.
I almost pushed this episode back a week, but I knew you rabid fans would not be happy with waiting a week for the next episode of the BEST PUNK ROCK-ISH PODCAST IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!
We talk the origins or Laura’s songwriting abilities, her school career, Bomb the Music Industry, Her namesake, Sxsw and MORE! We even talk about the band’s new album and they EXCLUSIVELY announce the title of their new album.
I did another drunken introduction. Its pretty ridiculous. You can skip right on ahead to 8:25 and skip me rambling about how much I love Laura’s feet, that i have never seen.
For more information on Laura Stevenson and the Cans please visit:
Mike has a Tumblr with awesome bathroom wall scribblings. http://agoodtimecall.tumblr.com/
If you like what you hear, please leave us a review on ITUNES! Make sure you like us on Facebook! Thanks for listening!
You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
For those of you without ITUNES, You can download directly at:http://traffic.libsyn.com/mostlyharmlesspodcast/mh09_Laura_Stevenson_and_The_Cans.mp3
Or you can click PLAY and listen right here on this here page:
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