Brendan Kelly is an asshole, but he’s my kind of asshole. Today we catch up with Brendan in Denver, Colorado. He’s been here in the state visiting his wife’s family. My new buddy, Zach Lowery was kind enough to allow us to use his office space for the interview. He works for the mighty fine Malenke|Barnhart graphic design agency and formerly ran Grey Flight Records.
We sit down with a somewhat inebriated Brendan Kelly. We were short on time, but i managed to squeeze out information on The Wandering Birds, the new Lawrence Arms album, and his new found life as a stay at home parent. I would have loved to talk about the feature film he made, and his acting career, but we’ll do that next time. This guy does not shut up!
Brendan writes a pretty damned great blog called The Bad Sandwhich Chronicles. It provides hours, and hours of entertainment. Much of the blog is about his family life, but he’s known to go off on some pretty incredible tangents. I highly recommend reading it!
We open the show up with “Great Lakes/Great Escapes,” which in retrospect I think its actually a Chris song, but with the dueling vocals, I’m not to sure. Plus the song kicks ass. We end the episode with “A Man with The Passion of Tennessee Williams,” off Brendan’s upcoming Wandering Birds release.
Watch Brendan playing BOTH roles in the short film, The Counselor:
Stream the Brendan Kelly and the Wandering Birds EP at:
For more information about Brendan Kelly and his 1,000 projects please visit:
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