RESTORATIONS from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are our guests on this week’s Mostly Harmless! This week’s episode is sponsored by Illegal Pete’s and their Starving Artist Program!
Restorations have put out one of my favorite records of the year and I might have missed it if was not for the wonderful Jamie from Side One Dummy and their PR team finding me and sending me a copy of their newest album, LP2. Immediately I was blown away with their melding of Post-Punk Rock N Roll and indie rock, with a little pop-punk thrown in for flavor. I think of it as Hum meets Menzingers with a little bit of Helmet thrown in, but people think I am crazy with that description.
Killer tunes and killer men, we hung out outside the 7th Circle Music Collective and talked shop. Among the things we discuss on today’s episode, we talk about what makes the Philly scene so great, what it was like growing up in that world, weather or not the band believes in FATE. Not only that we talk with Jon and Dave about their old band, JENA BERLIN and how they are enjoying their current ride of popularity! All of this and MORE!!!
You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
For more information on ILLEGAL PETE’S and their Starving Artist Program, please visit: http://illegalpetes.com/music/starving-artists
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You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
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For more information on RESTORATIONS, please visit:
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