Hello Friends! This week’s episode my old roommate Sean Neu and I travel to southern Colorado to the wonderland that is Durango! We were there to celebrate 17 years of Ska Brewing. While there, we had several wild nights on the town, met a ton of wonderful people and most importantly: We drank a TON of BEER!
I’m a gigantic fan of craft beers. I’ve been wanting to interview more and more small craft breweries. I’ve emailed dozens of small Colorado Breweries, but I’ve not yet gotten a response… Until now! Bill Graham, Co-Founder of Ska Brewing enthusiastically wrote back. As the gates opened up and the crowd flowed into the Ska Brewing festival, Bill was kind enough to take me and Sean on a small, personal tour of the grounds. He stopped and talked to us briefly about the breweries early beginnings and punk rock ethos.
Then we are joined by the bearded members of REEL BIG FISH in a hidden back room on the Ska Brewing facilities. Dan Regan, Ryland Steen, Matt Appleton and I talked about their early musical studies and what bands changed their lives. We discuss how their musical instruments found them, why Ska music is making a comeback, and if it ever really went away. Not to mention we talk about their new album: Candy Coated Fury and the recording process is with the well oiled machine of Reel Big Fish.
Thanks to Durango for all the wonderful hospitality. The Hometown Hostel was wonderful, as was the dive bar: El Rancho. Ska Brewing’s 17th anniversary party was the best Beer fest I’ve ever been too. Make sure you check it out next year! I will!
For more information on Ska Brewing Please visit:
For more information on REEL BIG FISH please visit:
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