The fine young gentlement of HI HO SILVER, AWAY! are our guests on this week’s Mostly Harmless Podcast! We’re back and better than ever! This week we’re taking the band’s interview virginity with their first interview EVER. They’re going to remember this for the rest of their lives, maybe! We join the band on day three of their two week tour, at Mutiny Information Cafe in Denver! We talk with the band after their show about the origins of the band’s name, the band’s musical origins, Recording with Alex Estrada (Joyce Manor, Touche Amore) and their new record, CHORE and joining […]
Tag: Joyce manor
Top 10 of 2012 plus Mostly Harmless Podcast Mixtape!
Before I get started here, I’m not a music reviewer. There is a reason I stick mostly to interviews. I’m not really good at explaining the WHY of why I like something. My passions come from a more gut sense of things. Below I’ll try to put into words why I liked these ten records of 2012. Hopefully I convey some idea of why these albums are great and perhaps you will check out the mixtape I’ve made! All songs count down to Number 10 to #1! You can also find the mix over at Spotify ( or you can […]
22 – JOYCE MANOR talks Punknews Album of the year, How Bowling created their band, Their current wild ride, and where it will take them
HELLO FRIENDS! Holy crap guys! We have the winner’s of the coveted PUNKNEWS ALBUM OF THE YEAR FOR 2011 on today’s show!! This is quite possibly my favorite episode yet. We just sit back and have a blast bullshitting about life the universe and everything. I think you’ll have a blast listening! This episode is sponsored by ASIAN MAN RECORDS! On today’s episode we talk about: The Dangers of drinking Fireball whiskey and wrestling women. Their earliest childhood influences. How bowling factors into their origin story. What sets them apart from other pop-punk bands What it was like winning album of the year […]