Hello Friends! I can’t tell you just how excited I am for today’s interview! We talk with ANDREW WK. Yes, THE party lord himself! We hang out on the curb beside his tour bus. We chat about his LOVE and PASSION for TACO BELL. We talk about his new Taco Bell sponsored Myspace video show: “Let’s Big Happy.” We touch on his influence on young kids thanks to his Cartoon Network show, “Destroy Build Destroy.” We touch on his recording process, religion and MORE!
Today’s episode opens up with a track off Andrew’s 2006 album: “Close Calls with Brick Walls” entitled “Not Going to Bed.” We end today’s episode with Andrew’s most famous song: “Party Hard,” off the “I Get Wet” album, which is currently celebrating its ten year anniversary!
“Let’s Big Happy” premiers on Myspace.com on March 28th! Let them know you heard about their show from us! Check out the preview and episodes at: http://www.myspace.com/letsbighappy
For more information about Andrew Wk please visit:
Destroy Build Destroy: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/dbd/index.html
If you like what you hear, please leave us a review on ITUNES! Make sure you like us on Facebook! Thanks for listening!
You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
For those of you without ITUNES, You can download directly at:http://traffic.libsyn.com/mostlyharmlesspodcast/mh11_Andrew_WK.mp3
Or you can click PLAY and listen right here on this here page:
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