MOSTLY HARMLESS LIVE with Comedian Timmi Lasley & Comic artist Jake Fairly & musical guest: BLACK DOTS!! Recorded in front of a “studio” audience at Mutiny Information Cafe in Denver!
This episode is brought to you by Ratio Beerworks & Death Wish Coffee!
In this month’s live episode, we talk about shitty jobs and our adventures in Employment. We talk about when and where our dreams died and how we work to keep our artistic journey’s alive. Oh and Jake tells a graphic story of how he quit Papa Murphy’s!
The gang also play another rousing game of “Who said it? Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Ultimate Warrior or Sting (not that Sting)!”
This live event features stand up by Timmi Lasley and music from Black Dots!
You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
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For more information on Timmi Lasley, please visit:
For more information on Jake Fairly, please visit:
For information on Black Dots, please visit:
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