Hello friends! How’s your summer vacation been going? I just recently got back from THAILAND! I got to plant rice fields, help build an organic composting facility and even PLAY WITH ELEPHANTS! Thanks to everyone who chipped in on the Kickstarter for the newest Mostly Harmless T-shirts & Pint glasses and helped me make this magical (and sweaty trip) happen! It was life changing, to say the least and I’m sure I’m going to annoy you all talking about it again and again over the next year. It’ll be like the time your friend got married and never fucking shut the hell out about their “awesome” wedding that didn’t even have an open bar or single bridesmaids. Ugh. Fuck you, Becky.
In other news, this week marks the 100th Episode of Mostly Harmless Podcast! In this 100th episode, I was interviewed by my long time friend and Denver comedian Mr. Eric Henderson! We chat about 100 episode of Mostly Harmless, our long friendship, drinking mishaps and more! You can listen to that over at: http://mostlyharmlesspodcast.com/100-dammit-damian-burford-answers-questions-from-comedian-eric-henderson-about-100-episodes-of-mostly-harmless-podcast/
In more exciting news I am a guest on this week’s THESE THINGS MATTER PODCAST!!!! WHAT WHAT WHAT?!?! I’m super flattered that the hosts of These Things Matter, Taylor Gonda & Kevin O’Brien asked little ole Me to be on their award winning show to talk about my ALL-time favorite band, THE DESCENDENTS! WHAAAAAA???? It was a fantastic hour long chat. Taylor and Kevin are fantastic hosts and hopefully I learned a little something from them. You can listen to the episode of These Things Matter over at: http://thesethingsmatterpodcast.com/2015/07/28/ep-163-descendants-w-damian-burford/
I’m also well underway of a new Mostly Harmless Film Series. I have a meeting with our potential theater this week and two offers out for two fantastic Punk Rock movies to kickstart this killer new Quarterly Film Program! I can’t wait to share all the epic news as soon as I can announce it! WOOO!
Thanks for 100 episodes of awesomeness friends. It may have taken almost four years to do it, but it was an AWESOME adventure. Here’s to 100 more!
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