Woah! The first taping of our new Mostly Harmless Live Talk show series went fantastically well! It went so well that Mutiny Information Cafe have booked us for every second Thursday through May, and beyond if all goes well!
The first episode of our live series, with comic artist Zak Kinsella, comedian Ian Douglas Terry and musical guest Sleeping Weather is now online! It was such a fantastic and satisfying experience. You can listen to that episode here: http://mostlyharmlesspodcast.com/90-mostly-harmless-live-with-ian-douglas-terry-zak-kinsella-sleeping-weather-brought-to-you-by-ratio-beerworks/
Our next live taping will be Thursday March 12th at Mutiny Information cafe. Our guests will be comedian Eric Henderson, comic artist Gerhard Kaaihue & musical guests MUSCLE BEACH! Ratio Beerworks will be on hand pouring more of their delicious brews! The event starts at 8pm with the show starting at 9pm!
You can find our other Live episodes at:
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