I talk about this subject in the intro to today’s show, but its still bugging me. Before I did this week’s interview with Kris Roe from the Ataris, I posted on Facebook if anyone had any questions for Kris. I got the usually snarky shit from all my friends. The one comment that really irritated me went a little like this: “Why on Earth would anyone interview you in 2012?” Kris Roe and The Ataris hit it HUGE, and then they came back down that ladder. We’re going to talk with a ton of people who are on their way […]
Upcoming News
Baby Steps.
I’ve never been sure what to use this space for. I thought I would write witty anecdotes about life and the show, but every time I sit down to write something in this little spot, I’m usually still drunk or hungover and the words don’t flow out. I’ve been a little bummed out this show hasn’t taken over the world yet. We’re averaging a small amount of downloads, but as with every parent, we want more for our kids. I was having a little pity party for myself the other day at my day job. I sat back and listened […]
Boatless Booze Cruise
I just got home from working a Sunday night local Juggalo show. Now, if you don’t know what a Juggalo is, I envy you. They are the children of America who have fallen through the cracks. They are the reason why drugs should remain illegal in the country. I’m all for legalizing marijuana, but I really do think its making the children of these subcultures stupider. I mean, White boy reggae is fucking huge right now, and I blame marijuana on that… What the fuck is wrong with the people these days…. So my brain hurts and i need to shower […]
Further harrowing adventures into the beyond!
Welcome back friends! I’m super excited to bring you this week’s episode with Mr. Frank Turner. As you’ll hear in this week’s episode I’ve been following him quite some time after finding him on accident. His songs have had quite an impact on this silly little life I lead and I’m thankful he sat down and talked with me! Not going to lie, I was really hoping for a bit of a love connection. I fell in love with his tour videos and once upon a time I said to myself that I wanted to be his friend. I was […]
Hello Friends!
This week is a special episode for me. Growing up, I was a gigantic nerd. I know its hard to imagine… I would sit in my room for hours and hours and amerce myself into the world of Comic Books. As I grew, so did my tastes in comics. I still like the occasional super hero yarn, but I found myself more into the works of Harvey Pekar, R. Crumb, Jeff Smith and books like Charles Burns’ Black Hole. The original incarnation of Mostly Harmless Magazine was to combine all my loves of pop-culture into one ‘zine. With this weekly […]
Mr Toad’s Wild Ride.
Hello Friends! This weekend I saw the absolute best show i have ever seen in my entire 30 years on this planet. The Descendent with Hot Water Music. My two favorite bands on one stage, on the same night. I “moshed” like a 16 year old, and god damned is my poor old body paying for it today… Unfortunately, I could not score any interviews, and thank god. I got to just let it all go and have one of the best times of my life. The weekend was full of great friends, real talk, and great music. This was […]
Season one launched last week with our episode with Micah Schabel of Two Cow Garage. My jaw is still on the floor, guys. My expectations were not only exceeded, but exceeded TWICE. I’m flabbergasted by how many of you wonderful people downloaded the episode and told your friends. I’d like to send a special shout out to Bryan at ninebullets.net for his kind words. Its what sent that episode over the top! Make sure you check out his wonderful website. Its the absolute authority on the best up and coming Americana/Alt-Country/Rock N Roll! If you like what you hear, please […]
Mostly Harmless Season One Starts Today!
Welcome to the official launch of Season one of the Mostly Harmless Podcast. I’m super excited for all this season has to bring. I’ve been having a blast going out and interviewing my buddies and heroes for this show. Every Monday for the next 10-12 weeks we will have a new episode of The Mostly Harmless Podcast. We’ve already three more episodes after today’s in dept, candid talk with Two Cow Garage’s Micah Schnabel. Those episodes feature Virgil Dickerson of Suburban Home Records, Chris Fogal from The Gamits, TaunTaun & Back in Blahm Recording Studio & Comic book creator extraordinaire […]
We’ve Launched!
Welcome to 2012. We’ve officially launched with the MOSTLY HARMLESS PODCAST! Episode #1 with CHUCK RAGAN from HOT WATER MUSIC is up and running. You can find it in the Podcast section above, or on Itunes under Mostly Harmless Podcast. This is a pilot episode and we’ve posted it to incite and tantalize you, before we officially launch season one of the Mostly Harmless Podcast. Episode #2 with Micah Schnabel of Two Cow Garage will launch here in couple of weeks. We’ve also got interviews with Virgil Dickerson of Suburban Home Records, Jon Snodgrass from Drag The River, Chris Fogal […]