ARLISS NANCY & Comedian Aaron Snyder are our special guests for this week’s Live episode of Mostly Harmless. This episode was recorded in front of a live “studio” audience at The Surfside 7 in Fort Collins. This happy hour event was a precursor to the band’s album release party that night with Red City Radio and Drag The River at Road 34 also in Fort Collins.
First off, I spoke to comedian Aaron Snyder about this cerebral palsy and how he got his start in comedy and why it is important to get off the couch and do what you love.
Then I speak to Arliss Nancy about their return home to Fort Collins after a two month tour took them across the country and across the world to Europe. We also talk to them about their new album, Wild American Runners; drinking, connecting with their fans and MORE!
The members then play a few acoustic songs for the audience. Cory plays “Benjamin,” “Vonnegut,” and “The Carry.” GB Plays “Nothing To Show,” and “The GB Shuffle.”
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