Hello Friends! This week I travel northward into the alcoholic wonderland that is Fort Collins. Great times where had on a Sunday night at the infamous Surfside 7.I follow the Red City Radio guys back to The Chowder House (home of Arliss Nancy). In typical Dammit Damian style, I proceed to drink extremely too much in a town where the streets are literally paved with breweries! After blacking out around three am, I coax Red City Radio guitar players, Paul Pendley & Garrett Dale into joining me on the patio for a late night chat session. I proceed to make an ass out of myself, but the class acts that they are, Paul and Garrett still deliver the goods. Detailing how Punk rock influenced them to pick up their guitars, all the while making fun of me for being ridiculous.
- Red City Radio talks about how four front men happened to form a band, Destiny and how they don’t believe it.
- Garrett talks about his worldly travels and how he ended up in OKC.
- Garrett and Paul talk tell their individual stories of how they fell into punk rock and its direct influence on becoming guitar players.
- The 7th greatest country musician in the world. (with a singalong.)
- What they learned from working in venues and how it applied to being in a band.
- Writing process for the Dangers of Standing Still and why it stands out so much.
The episode opens up with “I’m Well, You’re Poison” from 2011’s The Dangers of Standing Still
This episode also contains bonus live tracks from The Surfside 7!
Those songs include:
“Spinning In Circles Is A Gateway Drug”
“No One Believes In Moons & Goochers”
“Two For Flinching.”
Check out the Red City Radios’ Black in Bluhm recording session of “Drinking Yourself Into the Future” at: http://fortheloveofpunk.com/bib-sessions-red-city-radio/
Before you download, Check out a clip of the interview here:
For more information about Red City Radio, please visit:
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