I am excited to be switching things up this week by hosting Jaimie Laurie aka Jonny 5 of The FLOBOTS as this week’s guest! Jonny 5 is warm and welcoming as we sit on an uncomfortable ledge and watch the crowd enter the Black Sheep in Colorado Springs on a cool summer night.
I’m not the world’s biggest hip hop fan. I do dabble in this world, but it is not one as familar to me as the Indie/Punk rock world. What is interesting to me is the building blocks of a person’s character. What makes that person who they are and how does it apply to the music they make. I’ve come to find out that all artists come from very similar places and we can learn things from opening up doors and expanding our horizons. In the end, the worlds of hip hop have the same strong foundation as the Punk and Indie worlds. Join me as I talk with Jonny 5 about his early childhood or reading comic books and discovering hip hop and how if defined his adult life. We also talk about the Flobot’s newest record, Circle In The Square, as well as the upcoming flobots.org projects.
Other topics covered are:
- The influences of comic books on his youth.
- Johnny talks his early musical background, writing, what drew him into hip hop and the life lessons he learned.
- How he found and uses his voice for good.
- How he ended up working back in his high school and his aspirations to be a teacher.
- The powers of subculture
- Parting ways with Universal Republic and becoming the masters of their own destiny.
- The song writing and thought process on recording the new album.
- The philanthropy of Flobots.org
- How happy he is in his place in life, and how to find your own voice.
- And More!
This Episode also features the tracks, “Gonna Be Free” and “Circle in the Square” from their new album, Circle In The Square.
Before you download, Check out a clip of the interview here:
For more information about The Flobots, please visit:
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You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
For those of you without ITUNES, You can download directly at: http://traffic.libsyn.com/mostlyharmlesspodcast/Mh24_Flobots_Jonny_5.mp3
Or you can click PLAY and listen right here on this here page:
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