Okay, so the title of this post is completely misleading, but I got to interview Nofx bass player, FAT MIKE about Me First and The Gimme Gimmes for New Noise Magazine and it landed on the Cover!
I also did the piece on The Menzingers inside the issue!
You can grab a copy of from me, or you can grab one at: http://newnoisemagazine.com/store/
Lisa Root and the New Noise crew have been super supportive of me and my endeavors over the last couple of years. They have helped open a ton of doors for me and really helped to keep this thing a moving.
Being that I’m just a lowly Louisiana High School graduate with no college education, I’m pretty blown away by how far I’ve gotten by and never ever did I think I would have a story of mine on the cover of a magazine. Thanks Lisa. Thanks New Noise!
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