This week’s interview is with CHUCK RAGAN! Do you need to know any more? Chuck was the first guest on Mostly Harmless waaaaay back in December of 2011. He helped kick this little show off. Now he’s back, I’m better at doing interviews and away we go folks. We join Chuck in his tour bus at the Gothic Theater in Denver, Colorado. We chat about fishing, music and the parallels between them both. There is talk about where songs come fron and we also find time to talk about Chuck Ragan’s new record, and building the family of the Camaraderie. All of this and more in today’s Audio Adventure.
Check back next week for THE WHITE BUFFALO!
Check out Chuck’s first Mostly Harmless appearance at: (It’s the first episode so it’s kind of super rough, but Chuck says some amazing things.) http://mostlyharmlesspodcast.com/episode-one-with-chuck-ragan-of-hot-water-music/
This episode features “Wake With You” and “Something May Catch Fire” from the 2014’s Till Midnight.
You can download the episode from Itunes at:
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For more information on CHUCK RAGAN please visit:
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