This week’s interview is with SEAN MACKIN, the violinist of YELLOWCARD! We join Sean at the Aggie Theater in Fort Collins on the second leg of the Ocean Avenue Acoustic tour. We talked to Sean about his love of the Denver Broncos (this was recorded weeks before the disastrous Super Bowl.), Recreating Ocean Avenue, why he chose violin, destiny, dealing with success and his battles with Thyroid cancer. All of this and more in today’s audio adventure!
NEXT WEEK: Evan Thomas Weiss of Into It. Over It.
This episode is brought to you by ILLEGAL PETE’S SOUNDCHECK. Visit any Illegal Pete’s before or after going to a music or comedy event and bring in your same day ticket stub and you’ll get a free draft beer with your purchase of an adult meal! They’ve got beers from Avery, New Belgium, Ska, Odell’s, Osker Blues and yes even Coors Light. All of that and more. Visit Illegal Pete’s.com for more information.
This episode features the tracks “Breathing” and “Ocean Avenue” from 2013’s Ocean Avenue Acoustic.
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For more information on YELLOWCARD, please visit:
For more information on Sean Mackin, please visit:
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