LAUREN DENITZIO from WORRIERS & The Measure[SA] is this week’s special guest on Mostly Harmless Podcast!
This episode is brought to you by Ratio Beerworks and the Ratio Sessions!
Lauren Denitzio from Worriers & The Measure[SA] found herself with an extra day off in Denver after a wedding. Instead of sitting around watching tv (or hanging out with family) Lauren decided to play an afternoon acoustic show at Mutiny Information Cafe. We sat and watched local comedians film, Adam Cayton-Holland & Andrew Orvedahl film scenes for their TruTv show Those who Can’t.
Lauren and I talk about her career in Arts & Music, how she got to be where she is and how she didn’t let anything get in her way. We also talk about song-writing, finding your voice, and working with Laura Jane Grace on their latest record, “Imaginary Life!” All of this and more in today’s podcast!
Note, there was an experimental music showcase going on in the back room of Mutiny, at times the background noise can be a little loud, but it makes it feel like you are eavesdropping on two friends hanging out in a loud coffee shop.
Here’s a video of “Never Were” recorded that evening at Mutiny Information Cafe!
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For more information on Lauren Denitzio aka Lauren Measure, please visit:
For more information on Worriers:
Watch Lauren’s performance of “Never Were,” from Cruel Optimist at Mutiny Information Cafe below:
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