NATO COLES AND THE BLUE DIAMOND BAND are this week’s special guest on Mostly Harmless Podcast!
This episode is brought to you by Ratio Beerworks and the Ratio Sessions!
This isn’t an interview with Nato Coles and The Blue Diamond Band, I could barely get a question in with the band. This is a glimpse into life on the road with the wild and crazy antics of a band that knows each other well. They bicker, they argue, they talk all over each other, but most importantly they have fun with each other.
We sit back in the basement of the Hi-Dive in Denver, I hit record of my handheld recorder and let it fly. We talk all over the place about The Simpsons, Politics, baseball, the Mid-West and eventually we get around to talking about music, influences and what makes the Blue Diamond band tick. All this and more in this fun and ridiculous chat.
You can download the episode from Itunes at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mostly-harmless-with-dammit/id439812373
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For more information on Nato Coles And The Blue Diamond Band, please visit:
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